A Collector’s Passion for Galoob’s Golden Girl™ and the Guardians of the Gemstones™ !
The Adventure Fashions
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The Fashions At A Glance
In addition to 11 stunning action figures, the Golden Girl toyline ran three sets of fashions for the nine female figures. There was the Forest Fantasy set, the Festival Spirit set, and the Evening Enchantment set. The Forest Fantasy set tended towards a “Robin Hood” look or a “suede” usually hooded poncho, leggings, and a travel pack or purse. The Festival Spirit set was mostly pantleg bodysuits. There were dresses (with overlay, belt, and stole) for only three of the figures. Festival Spirit outfits came with a weapon sheath. The Evening Enchantment set was the most elaborate and the hardest to find–a line exclusively of festive gowns with stylish clutch purses and shawls.
Here’s the “prototype” picture of the fashion outfits that you’ll find on the backs of “open hangloop” backcards:
Here’s the “actual release” picture of the fashions that you’ll find on the backs of “closed hangtab” backcards:
The line-up on the backs of closed hangtab cards, shows a much more accurate picture of the fashions as they appeared in stores. There’s a notable difference in Wild One’s Forest Fantasy and Festival Spirit outfits; Jade’s, Onyx’s, and Vultura’s Evening Enchantment gowns; and some minor changes in the appearance of the Festival Spirit outfits for Saphire, Rubee, and Onyx. They also seemed to feel that the shawls for the evening enchantment dresses were best wrapped over both shoulders, rather than on one shoulder or about the waist.
On the front of a fashion blister is a “prototype” photo of the outfit. On U.S. cards with open hang-hooks, the picture is titled after the intended figure and includes the note, “These fashions designed especially for [Golden Girl™] action figure. May be worn by each Golden Girl™ figure.” Later releases and international editions only include the image of the intended figure with no caption. The backcards for the fashions include the same character backstory as you’ll find on the figure’s own box.
Loose Fashions Showcase
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Artwork excerpted from Golden Girl and the Guardians of the Gemstones by Billie Randall, illustrated by Aristides Ruiz © 1985.
This website is the result of my hard work and therefore its content and all original images are the property of Tchakani © 2004, 2005.